The UK, renowned for its tolerance and sense of fair play, and which should be the greatest nation on earth in which to live, is rapidly declining to become a cesspit. 200000 British people left the UK last year. An additional 200000 long-term foreign residents also left. 400000 people may have left but over 600000 immigrants settled in the country. The UK is now, and has been for some time, on a demographic curve, which will lead it to a point where for the first time in human history a country’s indigenous population has volunteered its nationhood away. But is it any wonder that there is a mass exodus of British people?
1. Uncontrolled immigration has weakened the nation state and the sense of belonging. The British people are slowly loosing control of their own country.
2. Uncontrolled immigration has also created a huge Muslim minority. The majority in the Muslim population are decent hard working folk but it is undeniable that there is a sizeable minority who despise western freedoms and lifestyle. They exploit both to spread their extremist propaganda and encourage terrorism to kill fellow citizens who do not follow their hateful and disgusting beliefs.
3. Multi-culturism has been forced onto the British people by a political class who are completely removed from the realities that it has lead to. It might have been a noble belief but it has been used as a way of smoothing the way for a huge influx of immigrants. Political correctness has inevitably meant that minority culture has begun to take precedent over the wishes and desires of the British majority. Anyone who speaks out against multi-culturism is, it seems, automatically branded a racist, even though cultural issues do not refer to race.
4. American capitalist economics imported by Thatcher in the 1980s has lead to a winners and losers society where fellow citizens are irrelevant and are often a competitor to be defeated. People now frequently have a total disregard for each other. All that matters is personal self-fulfilment even at the expense of all others.
5. American rap/hip-hop culture has been imported via black youth. This has spread like a cancer to infect virtually the entire youth lifestyle. It embodies rampant consumerism and violence and is the grotesque extreme of uncontrolled capitalism.
6. Violence, gangs, guns and stabbings plague youth culture. Violence perpetrated, and which is now reported daily, is made all the more shocking as it is carried out without any regard or feeling for the victim. It is often filmed and regarded as a joke by teenagers who have an almost sociopathic antipathy to anyone outside their clique. It should be remembered that today’s youth are the society builders and decision makers of tomorrow responsible for working, paying taxes and supporting and defending the nation.
7. The cause of the present youth crisis can be found in the economic and social policies of the 1980s. The parents of todays out of control teenagers are the ones who were indoctrinated, educated and cast aside by massive unemployment in the 1980s. Britain had a heavy industrial base, which was a tough all male environment. Teenage boys were part of tight family groups, which were themselves part of disciplined and cohesive communities. Boys invariably entered apprenticeships or went to work in industry. They could no longer hang around with the same mats they grew up with but had to become ‘men’. Industry was not only an important source of revenue but also played an almost unknowingly vital social role.
8. Mass unemployment of the 1980s led directly to the belief that welfare dependency is a lifestyle choice instead of it being a safety net. Social security, paid for at huge expense by the decent hard working taxpayer, has been abused and expanded so that it is now possible to earn more money doing nothing than going out to work. A state that is unbelievable, corrupt and unfair.
9. Disintegration of the family is directly traceable to the ending of industry. It is no surprise that the rise of single motherhood and teenage pregnancy coincided with mass unemployment. A lifestyle that became normalised 20 years ago. Youth crime today is associated with the ending of the family unit. Parents of teenagers today are those who were teenagers in the 1980s.
10. Widespread and systematic drug use has turned British working class streets and housing complexes into open sewers. Drug dealers use violence and intimidation to protect their ‘empires’ and drug users commit crime against decent people to raise money to feed their habits.
11. A weak establishment lead judiciary takes pride in interpreting and manipulating laws to spite the government. It turns economic migrants into asylum seekers, makes it acceptable to hijack airlines, protects the rights of foreign murderers and allows paedophiles to walk free from court. The judiciary have become self-indulgent and is rife with political correctness. The law is not now a tool for defending the rights of the decent law abiding citizen. It is corrupted and influenced by lawyers who make vast fortunes out of legal aid, manipulating and defending the indefensible.
Britain has become an anarchic, brutal and immoral society. Successive governments of both parties have been unable or unwilling to tackle head on the decline in civil standards. They have continuously missed the reality of the lives, wishes and aspirations of decent ordinary people. On the present course the future of the country is bleak. Who can blame people for getting out now?