The Times newspaper reports that nearly half of all mosques in Britain are under the control of an extremist Muslim filth who despise western values. Its leader, Riyadh ul Haq, pictured, regularly calls for his fellow muslims to “shed blood for Allah”. It is notable that he calls for others to act without volunteering himself. The true sign of the coward. I had intended to write a lengthy diatribe on the speeches of this guy, many of which are outlined in the Times, but I really cannot be bothered. This type of story only backs up my post below. Muslims have turned themselves into the enemy within. The only further thing I am going to write on this matter is this: if this halfwit doesn’t like the prosperity, values and freedoms which come with living in a western democracy, he should fuck off back to the Islamic sewer from whence he came. This is not the type of language I care to use, especially in the written word, but I have just about had enough of these people.
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